ArgosLogo72.gif (58658 bytes)

Photos: ARGOS MIR 2000 FLD

Mosquito II
[89 KB]
Mosquito II
Big rockets in italy
[77 KB]
Big rockets in italy
[115 KB]
Site setup
[92 KB]
Site setup
Achim prepping the cluster
[117 KB]
Achim prepping the cluster
Oliver & Achim
[106 KB]
Oliver & Achim
Achim & Uli
[135 KB]
Achim & Uli
Ready to go
[84 KB]
Ready to go
Let's Rock'n Roll
[82 KB]
Let's Rock'n Roll
Let's frighten the customs
[83 KB]
Let's frighten the customs

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All pictures are copyrighted by © ARGOS 2002

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