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Photos: Ariane010617

Hauptspitze mit Formteil / Nose cone ready to be assembled
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Hauptspitze mit Formteil / Nose cone ready to be assembled
Letzte Arbeiten an der Hauptspitze / Final work on the main nosecone
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Letzte Arbeiten an der Hauptspitze / Final work on the main nosecone
Spiegelreflexkamereinbau in der Payloadsektion / Camera being fitted into the payload section
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Spiegelreflexkamereinbau in der Payloadsektion / Camera being fitted into the payload section
Masterform der Liquid Booster Spitzen / The foam core for the LRB nosecone master
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Masterform der Liquid Booster Spitzen / The foam core for the LRB nosecone master
Motordüsenverschalung / The first one out of six nozzles, another masterpiece of Herbert
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Motordüsenverschalung / The first one out of six nozzles, another masterpiece of Herbert

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