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Photos: ArianeLDRS_4

Adding weight
[99 KB]
Adding weight
Master ignition sequenzer
[94 KB]
Master ignition sequenzer
Electronics bay
[99 KB]
Electronics bay
Prepping in the hotel room
[66 KB]
Prepping in the hotel room
Trying to modify the rail mount
[64 KB]
Trying to modify the rail mount
Showing the Ariane 4
[128 KB]
Showing the Ariane 4
Almost complete, but will not fly this time
[127 KB]
Almost complete, but will not fly this time
Ariane 4 & the swiss flags
[131 KB]
Ariane 4 & the swiss flags
Gary, Jürg & Dany on a hike in the Las Vegas Mountains
[156 KB]
Gary, Jürg & Dany on a hike in the Las Vegas Mountains

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