ArgosLogo72.gif (58658 bytes)

Photos: ArianeLDRS_Dany

Group Penemünde West
[73 KB]
Group Penemünde West
Only V2's !
[64 KB]
Only V2's !
The V2 for this day with M-Motor
[70 KB]
The V2 for this day with M-Motor
A scale Redstone
[78 KB]
A scale Redstone
[35 KB]
And higher
[29 KB]
And higher
[57 KB]
Another V2 with AeroTech redline motor
[51 KB]
Another V2 with AeroTech redline motor
Nice flame
[34 KB]
Nice flame
A little bit small
[36 KB]
A little bit small
Homing in !
[62 KB]
Homing in !
Autsch !
[71 KB]
Autsch !

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