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Photos: LDRS 2000

Last preparation at the pad
[152 KB]
Last preparation at the pad
A little help from Rolf Orell
[77 KB]
A little help from Rolf Orell
Looking for the right angle
[77 KB]
Looking for the right angle
Successfull recovery - nothing broken
[138 KB]
Successfull recovery - nothing broken
Vendors and rocketeers on the field
[87 KB]
Vendors and rocketeers on the field
The big battleaxe
[92 KB]
The big battleaxe
Rocket kit: Miss Riley
[87 KB]
Rocket kit: Miss Riley
Where I have to go ?
[96 KB]
Where I have to go ?
Bruce Lee with his
[126 KB]
Bruce Lee with his "Bomb Popper"
How to fold a big parachute
[124 KB]
How to fold a big parachute
Launch of
[33 KB]
Launch of "Bomb Popper"
Rhonda Jenkins in the RSO line !
[103 KB]
Rhonda Jenkins in the RSO line !

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