ArgosLogo72.gif (58658 bytes)

Photos: MIR 2002

Concentration !
[101 KB]
Concentration !
Mathias' Amram 4
[69 KB]
Mathias' Amram 4"
Jürg's Quantum Leap (with holding model)
[114 KB]
Jürg's Quantum Leap (with holding model)
Talon 3 electronic bay loaded with RDAS & 2 ejection charges
[57 KB]
Talon 3 electronic bay loaded with RDAS & 2 ejection charges
Talon 3
[116 KB]
Talon 3
The crowd
[106 KB]
The crowd
[109 KB]
The "Lucky Man"
Small passenger
[71 KB]
Small passenger
Riccardo with his carbon
[109 KB]
Riccardo with his carbon "Scout"
Video rocket
[49 KB]
Video rocket
What is this ?
[148 KB]
What is this ?
Full loaded !
[133 KB]
Full loaded !

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