Letzter ARGOS Flugtag:
Der Bericht vom 19.07.2014

Letztes ALRS XV - 2014:
Der Bericht & Gallerien

Nächstes ALRS 16 - 2015:
02. - 04. Oktober 2015
CU there !

G-WIZ Flight Computer

Der G-Wiz LC & der G-Wiz MC sind aus der G-Wiz Produkte Familie.



Die Auswertesoftware ist auf dem PC, Mac und Linux Betriebssystem lauffähig.

The G-Wiz LC and G-Wiz LC Deluxe easily fit in a 29mm diameter body tube. They both weigh only about 28 grams (1 ounce) without a battery.

The G-Wiz LC and G-Wiz LC Deluxe, are 2, identically sized peak altitude measuring altimeters, the G-Wiz LC with 2 output channels and inertial peak altitude sensing, and the G-Wiz LC Deluxe with 3 output channels, and barometric pressure peak altitude sensing.

The G-Wiz altimeters monitor the following key events:

  • Launch
  • Booster Burn-out
  • Sustainer Ignition (when applicable)
  • Sustainer Burn-out (when applicable)
  • Coast
  • Apogee
  • Low Altitude

Both the G-Wiz LC and G-Wiz LC Deluxe flash out the peak altitude on the status LED, so that the altitude can be determined after the flight (as long as the battery is not removed)

Parameter G-Wiz LC G-Wiz LC Deluxe
Maximum Acceleration +/-50g +/-50g
Maximum Barometric Altitude - 35,000 feet MSL
Peak Altitude Measuring Method Inertial (ADXL150 von Analog Devices) Barometric (MPX4100 von Motorola)
Number of Pyro Channels 2 3
Maximum Current per Pyro Channel 8 Amps 8 Amps
Number of Batteries required 1 to 2 1 to 2
Recommended Battery 9 VDC battery 9 VDC battery
Max Voltage applied to Flight Computer (terminal block pins 7 and 8) 15 VDC 15 VDC
Computer current consumption 8 mA (typical) 8 mA (typical)
Maximum Pyro Channel Voltage 60 VDC 60 VDC
Pyro Channel test current (9 VDC Battery) 3.5 mA 3.5 mA
Pyro Channel Firing Time 1. Stage/Cluster
2. Apogee parachute deployment
1. Stage/Cluster
2. Apogee parachute deployment
3. Low Altitude Parachute Deployment
Low Altitude Pyro Channel Activation - 400 feet Above Ground Level
(+/- 80 feet)
Altitude Readout Flashing LED
Status LED
Inertial Altitude
Flashing LED
Status LED
Barometric Altitude
Number of LEDs 1 Status LED
2 Pyro Continuity LEDs
1 Status LED
3 Pyro Continuity LEDs
Main Battery Life
(with separate Pyro Battery)
40 Hours 20 Hours
Operating Temperature Range 0 - 70 C 0 - 70 C
Dimensions 0.7"W x 3.9"L x0.55"H 0.7"W x 3.9"L x0.55"H
Weight 28 grams 28 grams


  • Status LED shows readiness at launch, and maximum altitude upon landing. Altitude is calculated on LC, and Barometrically based (more accurate) on Deluxe.
  • 2 (LC) or 3 (LC Deluxe) Continuity LEDs show continuity of device on Pyro output.
  • Analog to Digital converter reads accelerometer and barometric (Deluxe only) sensors to 8 bit precision. Equivalent to about 100 ft/count barometric, or .5 G per count acceleration.
  • High performance RISC processor uses proprietary techniques to calculate altitude properly. It does not rely on linear simplifications, but follows atmospheric pressure to altitude models very closely.
  • High current FET driven pyro outputs are capable of delivering up to 8 amps for a full second, each.
  • Uses 2 batteries to ensure that the battery driving the pyro output does not interfere with the computer.

Preis: LC - USD $ 89.95 SRP, LC Deluxe USD $ 134.95 SRP

Andere Version: G-Wiz MC

  • Status LED / Speaker shows and beeps readiness at launch, and maximum altitude upon landing. Readiness consists of Continuity checks, and both CPU and Pyro battery voltage levels.
  • Arming jack provided on board. Not vibration sensitive, and continuity checks work even when disarmed.
  • Analog to Digital converter reads accelerometer and barometric sensors to 12 bit precision. Equivalent to about 7 ft/count barometric, or .03 G per count acceleration.
  • Acceleration and Barometric data sampled and recorded 16 times per second along with all detected events. Enough memory on board for up to 4 min of flight.
  • Standard serial port connector.
  • Graphing software provided works on PC/Windows, Mac
  • High current FET driven pyro outputs are capable of delivering up to 8 amps for a full second, each.
  • Optional low current mode (jumper selected) allows use of one battery by limiting current draw. Works with DaveyFire 28B.
  • Reverse voltage protection on all connections.
  • MC 100 has a 100g sensor, for those extreme machines!

Preis: USD MC: $194.95, MC 100: USD $269.95