CE Zulassung der Aerotech Motoren |
Nach langem, steinigem Weg konnte die CE Zulassung der ganzen AEROTECH Raketenmotor-Palette im Impulsbereich von "D" bis "N" erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden. Dies öffnet den Weg für den Verkauf auch in denjenigen Ländern, welche die EU Direktive 93/15/EEC bereits in Kraft gesetzt haben. Für den Deutschen Markt ist nach wie vor zusätzlich eine BAM Registrierung notwendig. Die offizielle AEROTECH / RCS Pressemitteilung: European CE Approval Granted for AeroTech Rocket Motor Products AeroTech is pleased to announce the successful completion of the conformity tests according to European Directive 93/15/EEC on the full “classic” line of AeroTech model and high-power single-use and RMS™ reloadable rocket motors.
While CE markings are not yet required in many European countries, and their current local regulations may continue for some time, this is a major breakthrough for those countries where Directive 93/15/EEC has already been adopted and an important step for the future. With this CE marking, the entire AeroTech rocket motor product line may be legally sold within the whole European Community. AeroTech would like to thank its European distributor SpaceTec LLC, Mr. Juerg Thuering and Mr. Stefan Wimmer for all the work done over the past years in liaison with local authorities as they pursued this approval. The CE approval is yet another achievement in AeroTech’s continuing effort to expand the availability of safe, legal and easy to use products for the hobby and educational rocketry community.